my friend miriam has gotten me addicted to making myself into a simpson. judge for yourself and prepare yourself for hours of lost time. i couldnt help myself; i had to have one as my architect persona and another as my femme persona...
Friday, July 27, 2007
wow. damien hirst. you make me weak kneed.
Wednesday, July 25, 2007
Voyeur reminded me a lot of the ship from A Life Aquatic (see below) with its sectional reading of simultaneous events happening in real time. I love the play of doll house/stage set/diagram/reality that exists in both Voyeur and the Steve Zissou's ship. I think i will build more section models, and find ways to animate them...and more importantly, make each space really feel different.When i was a kid, i wanted to be a marine biologist (which i credit most to my love of the orca). The scientific drawings from the voyage of H.M.S. Challenger during the years 1873-76 are detailed and meticulous studies of maritime life. i should draw more.
Monday, July 23, 2007
I am totally obsessed. Seriously. I think that HBO's voyeur project is amazing. the concept. the way that they render the apartments in section...this diagram with the core in blue...i could seriously sit here all day and watch this in a feeble attempt to understand the whole story. Even the music is amazing!!! yep, not going anywhere for a while..
Tuesday, July 17, 2007
an energy saving search engine. either i'm a nerd, or an architect always seduced by black. probably the latter.
i kinda hate supporting urban outfitters, but i always find cool shit there, and well, they're pretty much on point most of the time. That and their corporate headquarters in philly is an amazing rehab of an old factory building.. I love how they are constantly changing their image..and somehow always ahead of the curve...rock on
Sunday, July 15, 2007
300 Love Letters. Amazing. We should all write more love letters..
Tuesday, July 03, 2007
I love swoon. I love her work so much that i decided to do a whole project based on her skeleton mermaid. The whole project can be found here::